About Us
Eccentric Education connects with the experimentalism philosophy. Experimentalists believe that things are constantly changing. Because everything around us in our own world changes we expect school to move in the same trend. As parents are leaning more towards homeschooling their children for better learning, curriculum, and safety. With Eccentric Education to help and guide homeschool students, it will provide children with the opportunity to be their own source of learning. Children learn better by actually going through or doing a task, it is the only way mastery can take place. For each student participating in Eccentric Education’s homeschool program the curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of the student. And lastly students should feel safe and encouraged in an environment suitable for learning thus making it easy by teaching students in their home. Eccentric Education believe that referent power is key to successful students. The educational system for homeschoolers should provide fair, trustworthy, and caring educators even when not attending public school.
Servant Leadership emphasis increased services to others while holding most if not all decision making power. It is a service where its motivation is the desire to help others, as a servant first. The idea that the leader carries out a servitude statue, making sure that other people’s highest priorities are meet first. Servant Leadership in Eccentric Education’s homeschool, tutoring, and educational consulting refers to the idea that the teacher, tutor, or consultant serve their students’ needs and as well as assisting parents/administration with the tools to ensure quality learning.
Eccentric Education is leading education with the hopes to provide students with exceptional listening, empathy, awareness, stewardship, and commitment of growth as well as learning. Moving away from a traditional classroom to homeschooling; the teacher paired gives a service to students where sensitivity and accountability are involved. This means that the teacher focuses on making sure that the student has what he/she needs in order to elevate in his/her academia as well as life. The teacher no longer uses the statement “I taught Johnny how to read I don’t know why he doesn’t know how to read.” The teacher is accountable for ensuring learning is taking place with as many outlets possible for student success .
Differentiation refers to the various levels of students’ academia within a lesson, subject, or grade level. It is an instructional teaching style where the teacher recognizes each student’s knowledge of a subject based on some sort of assessment and modify the content of their lesson to help suit the needs of the child’s learning. In the instructional process, the teacher determines if the subject area covered should be discussed as whole class, small group or independent.
To differentiate instruction, it is important find out the student’s background knowledge of a subject, use different learning preferences to better equip the student, and find out about the student’s interest and build upon them. The intent for this learning style is to maximize the student’s growth academically and their individual success.
Eccentric Education creates a profile of all their students. The use of Garner’s Multiple Intelligences provides different types learning styles appropriate for your student and will guide their learning experience. This provides the opportunity for the student to build confidence in their own strengths and use them to help with learning new ideas and concepts. Differentiation is a diving board into the brain of the student, it gives direction to the teacher on how to introduce a lesson and teach the lesson in the most effective way to all students despite their variances.
Although differentiation seems like an easy process, it should be something that is not fixed but modified each time a new lesson is introduced or when deemed necessary for the student. There will be times that the teacher will have to modify what is more important for each student in homeschool program depending on the student’s knowledge of the content. The most important thing to remember about differentiation in this setting is the student mastery of the content. The impact upon the teacher is the accountability of meeting the goal for the student’s mastery of the subject and the prep for this instruction should be the first step into reaching that goal.